TCXO温补晶振频率稳定性Frequency Stability和频率精度Frequency Accuracy

关于TCXO温补晶振频率稳定性(Frequency Stability)和频率精度(Frequency Accuracy),晶诺威科技介绍如下:

1. Introduction温补晶振简介

Temperature compensated oscillators (TCXO) are used for frequency reference in systems that typically require frequency stability of ±2ppm or better. The frequency accuracy in these systems must, in general, be maintained within a timing budget that takes into account frequency drift of the TCXO due to all factors including variations in operating temperature, supply voltage, output load, and aging during the entire system operating lifetime. A set of frequency stability parameters is commonly defined by the industry to quantify the influence of environmental factors and circuit conditions on reference oscillators. This document explains the frequency stability specifications in the TCXO datasheets and how the limits of frequency accuracy are calculated.

温度补偿振荡器(TCXO/温补晶振)常用于需要±2ppm 或更佳频率稳定度的系统中的频率参考。在这些系统中,频率准确度通常必须在考虑到 TCXO 因运行温度、电源电压、输出负载和整个系统运行寿命期间的老化等所有因素而导致的频率漂移的时间预算内维持。业界通常定义了一套频率稳定度参数来量化环境因素和电路条件对参考振荡器的影响。本文将详细介绍晶诺威科技 TCXO 温补晶振数据表中的频率稳定度规格,以及如何计算频率准确度的极限。

TCXO温补晶振频率稳定性Frequency Stability和频率精度Frequency Accuracy

2. Temperature stability and frequency accuracy 温度稳定性和频率精度

Genuway TCXO datasheets includes the following frequency stability specifications 晶诺威科技产TCXO温补晶振数据手册包括以下频率稳定度规格:

Initial tolerance (F_init) is frequency deviation from nominal frequency at room temperature, e.g. 25 ±3℃. It is measured under typical power supply voltage and output load conditions with the device mounted on a printed circuit board (PCB). The main components of the initial tolerance are residual frequency error after temperature calibration at the Genuway factory and frequency shift due to PCB soldering.


The contribution of initial tolerance to the system timing budget can be minimized by using voltage-controlled TCXO (VCTCXO) and frequency calibration after the PCB reflow assembly process.


Stability over temperature (F_stab) characterizes the frequency drift caused by ambient temperature change and is specified as one-half of the peak-to-peak frequency deviation over the full operating temperature range.


TCXO温补晶振频率稳定性Frequency Stability和频率精度Frequency Accuracy

Stability over supply voltage (F_vdd) specifies the frequency shift caused by a power supply voltage change within ±10% for 2.5V to 3.3V VDD or ±5% for 1.8V VDD.


Stability over output load (F_load) specifies the frequency shift caused by the difference in loading capacitance on the output pin, up to 15 pF for LVCMOS output oscillators.


Overall frequency accuracy (F_total) is calculated as sum of all the above parameters. For example, the overall frequency accuracy of a VCTCXO with ±2.5 ppm temperature stability is: F_total = F_init + F_stab + F_vdd + F_load = 1 + 2.5 + 0.05 + 0.1 = 3.65 ppm.


Better overall frequency accuracy can be achieved by using the VCTCXO option to reduce initial tolerance by system calibration: F_total = F_stab + F_vdd + F_load = 2.5 + 0.05 + 0.1 = 2.65 ppm.

选择 VCTCXO(压控温补晶振) 通过系统校准可减少初始公差,以此实现更好的整体频率精度:F_total = F_stab +F_vdd +F_load = 2.5+0.05+0.1=2.65 ppm。

Temperature stability is usually the dominate source of frequency error in applications using a TCXO. Unlike frequency offset at room temperature, temperature drift cannot be canceled out by using a simple calibration scheme.

在使用 TCXO 的应用中,温度稳定性通常是频率误差的主要来源。与室温下的频率偏移不同,温度漂移不能通过简单的校准方案来抵消。

TCXO温补晶振频率稳定性Frequency Stability和频率精度Frequency Accuracy

3. Aging and frequency accuracy 老化和频率精度

Even under constant operating conditions, TCXO frequency can shift over time due to internal changes within the device. An additional parameter for frequency shift over time is required in the system budget. The most commonly used parameters are first year aging and 10-year aging.


First year aging specifies the limit of frequency shift, with respect to initial frequency, after one year of continuous operation under constant power supply voltage and operating temperature, typically at 25℃.


TCXO温补晶振频率稳定性Frequency Stability和频率精度Frequency Accuracy

10-year aging specifies the limit of frequency shift, with respect to initial frequency, after 10 years of continuous operation at constant operating conditions. 10-year aging specifications are extrapolated numbers from frequency measurements performed on a statistically significant set of samples over 9 to 18 months or even longer period of time.


To calculate overall frequency accuracy including 1-year or 10-year aging: F_total = F_init + F_stab + F_vdd + F_load + F_aging. For example, the first year aging of a 2.5 ppm VCTCXO is 1.5 ppm. The overall frequency accuracy can then be calculated as: F_total = F_init + F_stab + F_vdd + F_load _ F_aging = 1 + 2.5 + 0.05 + 0.1 + 1.5 = 5.15 ppm. The 10-year aging for the same VCTCXO is 3.5 ppm, which results in an overall frequency accuracy of 7.15 ppm over ten years.

要计算包括1年或10年老化的总体频率精度:F_TOTAL=F_INIT+F_STAB+F_VDD+F_LOAD+F_AGE。例如,2.5ppm的VCTCXO的第一年老化为1.5ppm。然后,总频率精度可以计算为:F_TOTAL=F_INIT+F_STAB+F_VDD+F_LOAD_F_AGE=1+2.5+0.05+0.1+1.5=5.15 ppm。同样的VCTCXO的10年老化是3.5ppm,这导致在10年内总的频率精度为7.15ppm。

Using the same voltage tuning option for TCXO devices and system calibration can enable tighter limits in the frequency accuracy budget. For example, removing initial tolerance after PCB assembly and correcting aging related frequency shift periodically over the product lifetime will increases accuracy.

