About quartz crystal’s  mounting, cleaning and storage

About quartz crystal's  mounting, cleaning and storage

About quartz crystal’s  mounting, cleaning and storage


This component is designed for automatic insertion.

However, you are requested to do the trial run with your insertion machine in order to be sure of proper operation and no damage to the component.

Please pay attention to the board warp, which may damage the component and cause problems during the soldering process.

About quartz crystal's  mounting, cleaning and storage

(inside structure of a quartz crystal unit)


Cleaning liquid which corrodes Nickel shall not be used.

It may cause problems on the surface, color, marking etc.

Ultra-sonic cleaning is possible, however, you are requested to check on your board, because we only checked it as a single unit.


Please keep away from high temperature and high humidity, or it may cause poor solderability. No direct sunlight; No dew as well.
