什么是晶体振荡器的标称频率?2023-02-17What is Nominal Frequency of a Crystal Oscillator? 什么是晶体振荡器的标称频率? The nominal frequency of the crystal oscillator is the output frequency of the oscil…
石英晶体的谐振频率为何具备稳定特性?2023-01-11The resonant frequency of the crystal remains very stable because it is primarily determined by the physical size. Its stability is in the order of a …
LC并联电路与谐振频率原理及图解说明2021-12-16LC并联电路与谐振频率原理及图解说明如下: 电感L、电容C具备储能的功能,一个将电能储存为磁场,另一个将电能储存为电场。将L、C并联在一起,并赋予一定的初始能量,这股能量就会在磁场、电场之间来回转换: LC并联电路及其能量转换(假设初始状态电容充满能量) LC上能量的变化过成如下所示: LC电路充放…