关于晶诺威科技产10MHz OCXO恒温晶振(低相噪高稳定度)参数说明
2025-02-20关于晶诺威科技产10MHz OCXO恒温晶振(低相噪高稳定度)参数说明如下: 首先,有源晶振,即晶体振荡器(Crystal Oscillator),主要分为温补晶振(TCXO)、压控晶振(VCXO)、恒温晶振(OCXO)等几种类型。 一般除压控晶振外,其它类型晶振都常用于时间频率产品中,为相关时间频… -
2024-12-25OSC有源晶振接单片机/芯片/MCU哪个脚? 答:接单片机/芯片/MCU的频率(时钟)信号输入脚(OSC IN/CLK IN)。 如下图所示: 晶诺威科技产有源晶振OSC3225引脚说明如下: 注: 1、该系列有源晶振1号脚具备开关功能。如不需要该功能,请悬空处理。 2、引脚#4接电压,引脚#3接芯… -
Crystal Oscillator Frequency Ranges and Applications
2024-07-08Crystal Oscillator Frequency Ranges and Applications Key Takeaways 1.Crystal oscillators are available in a wide frequency range, from as low as 0.032… -
2024-06-20(无源晶振典型应用电路) 为什么晶振有四个pin引脚(pad焊盘)? 答:这个问题需要分情况来回答。晶诺威科技解释如下: 晶振分为无源晶振(晶体谐振器、crystal resonator)和有源晶振(晶体振荡器、crystal oscillator)两大类。 无源晶振只有两个频率管脚,因此我们经常见… -
Some Definitions of a crystal oscillator 一些晶体振荡器电气参数的定义及解释
2024-06-12Some Definitions of a crystal oscillator 一些晶体振荡器的电气参数定义及解释 What is a crystal oscillator? 什么是晶体振荡器? A crystal oscillator outputs a precise fixed-freque… -
The pin connections and functions for “crystals” and “crystal oscillators”
2024-05-10The pin connections and functions for “crystals” and "crystal oscillators" About “crystals” Crystals are passive devices that can cause carefully cons… -
2024-05-04晶体振荡器的工作原理 晶体振荡器是一种通过使用石英晶体产生稳定频率信号的电子设备。这些振荡器通常用于各种电子设备,如计算机、电视、收音机和手机。在下文中,晶诺威科技将针对晶体振荡器的工作原理及其应用进行详细解释。 什么是石英晶体? 石英晶体是一种压电材料,当施加电信号时,它可以以特定频率振动。当在晶… -
2024-05-04How crystal oscillators work A crystal oscillator is an electronic device that generates a stable frequency signal through the use of a quartz crystal… -
What is an active or passive crystal oscillator?
2024-04-24What is a crystal oscillator ? Some electronic devices require an AC signal with a highly stable frequency, while the LC oscillator has poor stability… -
The definition of three-state, hi-Z and impedance
2024-03-25Some explanations for oscillators with tri-state functions (Pin 1) Three-state, or Tri-State A three-state, or Tri-State, output has three electrical …