Equivalent Series Resistance of the Crystal 晶体的等效电阻
2024-06-01英文解释: The equivalent series resistance of the crystal must be within the specifications so that the crystal can have a reliable vibration. 中文解释: 晶体谐振器… -
等效串联电阻Rs (ESR: Equivalent Series Resistance) 与负阻Negative Resistance
2023-06-16关于无源晶振(晶体谐振器)起振电路中的等效串联电阻Rs (ESR: Equivalent Series Resistance) 与负阻Negative Resistance,晶诺威科技解释如下: Rs or equivalent series resistance (ESR) is a parame… -
2023-06-10(ESR FOR SMD3225 CRYSTAL) ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) is the sum of in-phase AC resistance. It includes resistance of the dielectric, plate mat… -
2022-10-12关于石英晶体常用计算公式,晶诺威科技工程部整理如下: 注: frequency(series):(串联)频率 motional inductance:动态电感 motional capacitance:动态电容 quality factor:品质因数 series resistance:等效阻抗… -
2022-05-10(IC手册要求该型号32.768KHz晶振的ESR为45KΩ) 关于石英晶体的谐振电阻Rr和等效电阻ESR的解释说明如下: 谐振电阻(Rr) 指石英晶体元件在谐振频率处的等效电阻,当不考虑C0的作用时,近似等于所谓的石英晶体的动态电阻R1或称等效串联电阻(ESR)。晶体尺寸越小,ESR越小;频率越低… -
晶振的牵引率Pullability及TS敏感度Trim Sensitivity
2021-11-30晶振的牵引率(Pullability)及敏感度(Trim Sensitivity)解释如下: (晶振TS曲线) 石英晶振应用在并联振荡线路上,振荡频率与负载电容CL有很大的关系,是以并联振荡线路上FL频率对负载电容CL的变化曲线。 频率的“牵引率”(Pullability)指的是负载电容CL1的频率… -
2021-11-17关于晶振振荡电路设计注意事项归纳如下: 公称频率及容许误差( Nominal Frequency and Tolerance ) 在正确的振荡线路匹配下, 从振荡线路输出的频率, 称之为标称频率(nominal frequency)。 频率单位一般是以兆赫( MHz) 或千赫( KHz)表示。 实际… -
什么是晶振的等效串联阻抗 ( Equivalent Series Resistance ,ESR)
2021-11-02(ESR for Crystal SMD3225 series) The ESR of a crystal is the resistance exhibited at series resonance, it is proportional to the power dissipated with…