2023-05-05关于造成晶振频偏超差的原因,晶诺威科技归纳四点如下: 晶振本身电气参数不稳定 晶振的品质因子(Q值)和频率稳定性系数(Δf/f)是影响频率偏差的主要参数。低品质的晶振容易产生较大的频率偏差。 晶振工作环境因素 温度、湿度、气压等环境因素会影响晶体的机械特性,从而导致频率偏差。其中,温度是最主要的影响… -
关于晶体振荡器的时钟精度(Clock Accuracy)的两个指标
2023-03-29关于晶体振荡器的时钟精度(Clock Accuracy),说明如下: 时钟精度是衡量理论频率值和实际采样频率值之间差异的一个指标。通常情况下,工程师用“百万分之一”(ppm)来表示频率精度,同时至少还要加上一个工作温度范围。如: 工作温度(Operating Temperature Range):-… -
2023-02-17What is Nominal Frequency of a Crystal Oscillator? 什么是晶体振荡器的标称频率? The nominal frequency of the crystal oscillator is the output frequency of the oscil… -
2023-02-14The 8 Most Important (and Fundamental) Oscillator Parameters 关于晶体振荡器的八个最基本电气参数 What is the first thing you think of when selecting electronic componen… -
2023-02-09如何提高晶振输出的频率精度?晶诺威科技解释如下: 首先,晶振分为无源晶振(晶体谐振器)和有源晶振(晶体振荡器)两种。无源晶振的输出频率精度可微调,而有源晶振的频率输出精度不可调。 通常,晶振输出的时钟精度是由其本身频率精度所决定,外部条件的改变并不能大幅度提高晶振输出频率精度,一般要更换更高精度的晶… -
晶振频率稳定度frequency stability越低越好吗?
2023-02-06Question: Hello, I have a question! Which values are better in terms frequency stability? Higher or lower? Comparing a 0.5ppm to a 1.5ppm? 你好,我… -
什么是晶体振荡器的频率稳定度(Frequency stability)?
2023-02-03Frequency stability represents the variation of output frequency of a crystal oscillator due to external conditions like temperature variation, voltag… -
2023-01-28Quartz crystal resonators and oscillators are used in a wide range of electronic applications that require timing devices. The quality of the quartz c… -
2023-01-11The resonant frequency of the crystal remains very stable because it is primarily determined by the physical size. Its stability is in the order of a … -
The wide utilization of a quartz crystal oscillator in our daily life
2023-01-09When your alarm goes off in the morning, you get out of bed and start getting ready for the day. In addition, clock quartz is already the most typical…