关于爱普生可编程晶振SG-8002 PLL锁相环电路说明
2025-01-11关于爱普生可编程晶振SG-8002 PLL锁相环电路,晶诺威科技解释如下: The SG-8002 series contains a PLL circuit and there are a few cases where the jitter value may be increased when… -
Some Definitions of a crystal oscillator 一些晶体振荡器电气参数的定义及解释
2024-06-12Some Definitions of a crystal oscillator 一些晶体振荡器的电气参数定义及解释 What is a crystal oscillator? 什么是晶体振荡器? A crystal oscillator outputs a precise fixed-freque… -
2023-09-15关于有源晶振的相位抖动和相位噪音,晶诺威科技解释说明如下: 在通信网络、无线传输、ATM和SONET等高速系统中,时钟或振荡器波形的时序误差会限制一个数字I/O接口的最大速率。不仅如此,它还会导致通信链路的误码率增大,甚至限制A/D转换器的动态范围。有资料表明,在3GHz以上的系统中,时间抖动(ji… -
Jitter and phase noise(英文版)
2022-11-29Jitter Jitter expresses a drift from the ideal position of the clock edge occurring as the result of the fluctuation of the clock signal waveform in t… -