2025-01-01RTC音叉晶振32.7687KHz零下40度每天误差多少? 答:每天大约慢15~16秒。 晶诺威科技解释如下: 针对RTC音叉晶振32.7687KHz:±10ppm时间误差为±0.864秒。 RTC音叉晶振32.768KHz频率漂移变化与工作环境温度的关系如下图所示:随着温度偏离室温(25°C±3°… -
RTC 32.768KHz for GD32F103VET6
2024-12-30Clock tree for GD32F103VET6 The GD32F103xx device is a 32-bit general-purpose microcontroller based on the Arm® Cortex®-M3 RISC core with best ratio i… -
Real Time Clocks (RTCs) in Microcontroller Timers
2024-07-24Real Time Clocks (RTCs) in Microcontroller Timers Overview of Real-time Clocks The real-time clock's basic function is to produce intervals of one sec…